Monday, May 5, 2008

2 more weeks...

.. til the big day!
This dance year has flown by... so has the new year!!! can you believe its MAY already??? I feel like it was yesterday that I was in Kansas City welcoming the new year with Jason Upton singing at the Onething conference. I guess everything in life flys by... I mean I still cant get over that I am 18!!! people get married when there 18.... so crazy.

ANYWAYS back to production. I can't wait. I love everything about it. The crazyness of backstage, the rush of performing onstage, the little things that go wrong... but everything always ending up okay. I feel so much more involved this year then last year too. I am so so so proud of all of kids for working so hard on there dances. It really is going to be an amazing show!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just stoppin' by your blog to say hey! So glad I got to meet you this week amidst all the craziness. The production was out of this world amazing and you guys did an awesome job!

I'm sure I'll be seeing you around some as I am supposed to be taking over Pastor Abbye's piano students come time in June I think. <3